At Downham, we passionately believe in preparing children for life in modern Britain. Our “Learning Council” is democratically elected by the children and actively participates in the decision making process at school; supporting to promote good learning through their learning walks. Our strong links to the local community through our work with: the church, events at the Belfry, participation in sporting and music festivals and our support of charities such as The Royal British Legion all help to teach children the values required in modern Britain. Our rich and varied curriculum helps to embed this further and children are excited and passionate about their learning journey.
Children are fully involved in the democratic process through the election of their “Learning Council”. Every year, elections take place in all classes with the two candidates receiving the most votes elected to the council. John Whittingdale MP visits the school every year to announce the winning candidates in assembly and answer questions from the school about his role as an MP. The councillors then represent their class at meetings alongside two members of staff.
All children have equal opportunities in the school. This is evident in the way that children have access to a wide variety of free school clubs. Children are also treated fairly by all members of the school community through the way we follow our school behaviour policy. Staff value all children’s work through the feedback they give them and every child has a progress board to display the progress they are making in class.
Mutual Respect:
Mutual respect is promoted through: the behaviour policy, PE and school sport, RE, collective worship, PSHE and our learning council. The introduction of P4C is creating a culture where children can feely challenge each other’s views and beliefs in a safe and non-judgemental environment. At Downham, we endeavour to have a calm and supportive atmosphere where children feel they are valued and where they know they are expected to try their best. We expect excellent manners from all children and adults and actively model the way we expect everyone to behave.
Across the curriculum we have discussions about how people our different. Our RE, PSHE and P4C curriculum encourages children to reflect on their own views of the world and how these are different to other peoples. We consider ways in which we are different to other people and ways in which we can learn from these differences.
Rule of Law:
The consistent application of the school behaviour policy ensures that children understand the consequences of inappropriate behaviour. Expectations are constantly modelled to children and reinforced by all members of the school community. We thoroughly investigate all incidents of poor behaviour and report this, as appropriately, to the children’s parents. PSHE and P4C encourage children to reflect on the rule of law and think about the implications of their actions as they prepare for life in modern Britain.